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Building high-end properties

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Ajudamos você a
construir os seus

Escavações, Construções e Transporte,

tudo em um só lugar! 

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About Us

Since its foundation in 2000, ECT has served the needs of new real estate projects in Brazil with integrity and commitment, delivering results with a high standard of quality. Our professionals work with investors and owners to deliver results that exceed expectations.

Regardless of what you're looking for, ECT has the experience and skill to deliver spectacular results. Browse our website for more information about the services we offer and to learn about our services. If you are interested in working with us on your next venture, schedule an initial assessment meeting today.

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Our services

E - Excavations

Excavation and earthworks, basically, are steps that aim to make the earth or a certain terrain flat. It is mainly used on land that has slopes and that can cause problems when building a house or building.

 C - Constructions

After we prepare the ground and develop your construction plan, our team is ready to make your dream a reality. Executing the work quickly and safely!

T - Transport

If necessary, we transport the materials needed to build the factory to the construction site! 

cities served

present states

completed works

years of experience

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“ECT Construtora came up with the aim of making the construction of your dreams come true! With great technical care in every step of the process, we are ready to make your project a reality!

Jacivaldo Conceição, CEO

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What can we do for you!

City Skyscrapers
Camião a conduzir à beira do lago


postmodern residence


Nossa Sede

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Luís Viana Filho Avenue (Parallel),

No. 6462, Edf. Wall Street East, Mahattan Square Condominium, Room 117, Salvador - BA.


Thank you for the contact!

©2022 by ECT Construtora. 

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